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Short Course '24-'25

 This form is for COMPETITIVE SEASON.  Please fill out forms carefully and completely.  Our minimum age requirement is 5 along with the ability to swim 25 yards of Freestyle and listen to and follow directions in a group environment.

Parents / Guardians
  • New accounts will be sent an email confirmation message with instructions to set up a password.
  • Previously registered parents/guardians cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian Information

+ Add a parent / guardian to this registration
  • Previously registered athletes cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Athlete Information

+ Add an Athlete to this registration
Home Address
Publishing Achievements or Photos

Do you consent to the team using your swimmer's photos or name in local newspapers or on the website? *

Terms and Conditions for Participation
  1. Student Tuition/Fee is due in full and must be paid prior to the swimmer entering the water. We do not offer payment terms for swimming.  All swimmers, including daily and weekly drop-ins, must pay in full before entering the water.
  2. Tuition and fees are non-refundable.
  3. Should a swimmer decide to discontinue participation in the program with the Wildwood Crest Dolphin Swim team, any portion of the outstanding tuition thereof are considered an obligation to the Wildwood Crest Dolphin Swim Team.
  4. Each swimmer will be asked to follow a Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with this code may result in the swimmer being asked to leave the team.
  5. Any checks returned to the Wildwood Crest Dolphins Swim Team for non-sufficient funds will be subject to a $32.00 additional handling charge.

I understand and agree to the above terms and conditions of the Wildwood Crest Dolphins Swim Team in exchange for the privilege of my child to participate in the activities and swimming program of the Wildwood Crest Dolphins Swim Team.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *

I, the above named Parent/Guardian(s), hereby waive my right to maintain an action in a Court of Law against the Wildwood Crest Dolphin Swim Team (a non-profit corporation) for an injury which may have been caused or is a result of my child’s participation on the team. I have read and agree to the conditions set forth on this registration form and indicate my consent by typing my name in this box.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *

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